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‘Trump took my dad’, says Rudy Giuliani’s daughter as she backs Kamala Harris

Caroline Rose Giuliani, the daughter of Donald Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani, has endorsed Democratic nominee Kamala Harris for the upcoming US presidential election and declared that she was “grieving the loss of my dad to Trump. I cannot bear to lose our country to him too”.
In an article for Vanity Fair magazine, Caroline Rose Giuliani said that she wanted to “remind Americans of just how calamitous being associated with Trump can be, even for those who are convinced he’s on their side”.
“Watching my dad’s life crumble since he joined forces with Trump has been extraordinarily painful, both on a personal level and because his demise feels linked to a dark force that threatens to once again consume America,” she added.
Rudy Giuliani, a politician and lawyer, served as the Mayor of New York City from 2001 to 2004. He formally joined Trump’s personal legal team in April 2018, almost two years after advising the latter during his first presidential campaign in 2016.
He remained on Trump’s team during the 2020 election.
Caroline Giuliani’s endorsement of Harris came a week after a federal appeals court on September 23 permanently disbarred Rudy Giuliani from practising law in Washington D.C. for the efforts he made to discredit the 2020 election results and prevent the transition of power after Trump lost the polls.
“I am constantly asking myself how America is back here, even considering the possibility of electing Donald Trump again, after all the damage he has caused, both in office and since… There are unmistakable reminders of Trump’s destructive trail all around us, and it has broken my heart to watch my dad become one of them.”
In the article, she said that the US Vice President had gained “extraordinary momentum” by infusing vitality and hope in her election campaign.
She cited Harris’s stand on issues like reproductive rights, the economy, foreign and environmental policy as reasons for her endorsement.
“We need experienced, sane, and fundamentally decent leaders who will fight for us instead of against us—who will safeguard our democracy rather than dismantle it… I need to advocate for a future worth bringing children into, which is why I am voicing my adamant support for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz,” Caroline Giuliani declared.
She also called Harris the “only candidate who cares about my rights as a woman”.
“Seeing Republican state officials enact draconian abortion bans and threaten fertility care is incredibly personal for me… Hearing Trump flip-flop on the issues of abortion and IVF only makes me trust him less – if that’s even possible – because his lies are so clearly politically motivated. He’s already caused irreparable damage, and I don’t believe for a second that he won’t cause more.”
Further intensifying her attacks against the former President, Caroline Giuliani said Trump is “a 34-time convicted felon who’s been found liable for sexual abuse, tries to steal elections, and demeans people based on their race, sexuality, disability status, and gender falls remarkably short of the bar we must set for ourselves as a country”.
“Fortunately, we have another choice in this election: a life-long public servant who has spent her career upholding justice and fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves,” she added.
This is not the first time that Caroline Giuliani has endorsed a Democrat for President over Trump.
In 2016, she also reportedly supported the Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, saying on Facebook that she was “pro-Hillary all along”.
